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Doctor Taking Notes

Home Visits


Geriatric Medical Associates is able to provide comprehensive medical care in the comfort of your home. 


       Some examples of services we can provide in the home include. 

-Overseeing and treating chronic medical conditions on an ongoing basis

-An initial in home visit by one of our physicians ( Zip code dependent)

-Monthly in home visits by one of the practice nurses

-Ordering blood work to be performed in the home to monitor chronic conditions ( Zip code dependent)

-Ordering radiology studies to be performed in the home ( if medically appropriate)

-Monitoring of blood pressure and sugars in the home

-Ordering medical equipment 

-Ordering physical therapy or visiting nurse services 

-Refilling necessary medications 

-Filling out any paperwork needed for home care services

-Coordinating care with hospitals when you or your loved one is hospitalized 

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